Earn the Inbox with Content

Earn the inbox with content

I was very sad to unsubscribe to an organization that I completely support. And, let me be clear, when I say support, I don’t mean with lip service. I mean as a contributor. One who gives money. And, although I will continue to give money, and although I completely support this organization, they no longer have access to my inbox. I have unsubscribed.

What’s the Objective?

Arguably, my unsubscribing is a blessing to both of us. Perhaps their email strategy is exclusively to raise money. And their needs are immediate. And they have no interest in a long term relationship.  So if I unsubscribe, I’m not bothered with reminders to give (I do) and they don’t sustain the microcost of keeping me on their email list. Win Win.


I don’t see it that way. This organization, a political organization, has a long term interest in me. And they’ve lost this point of contact.

Content is Hard

You know where I’m going. Access to the email inbox is a privilege. And one guaranteed path to earning that privilege is to provide me with useful, current content. It doesn’t’ have to be “Breaking News.”  I welcome insight, opinion, real events, stories. There’s lots out there.

I love you. But all you do is ask me for money. Unsubscribe.